
News and Announcements

Project UP-START

Project UP-START Information for Parents and Families. Project UP-START is the Education Program for Children and Youth Living in Transition in Miami-Dade.

Project UP-START is the Education Program for Children and Youth Living in Transition in Miami-Dade. The program assists schools with the identification, enrollment, and attendance of students in transition to help ensure their successful academic achievement.

Project UP-START services are available to students enrolled in Miami-Dade County Public Schools from Head Start through 12th grade who are experiencing unstable housing. Any student who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, as defined by the Stewart B. McKinney-Bruce Vento Homeless Assistance Act, qualifies for Project UP-START

.A student who is residing in the following circumstances qualifies for Project UP-START:
• Sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason, also known as “doubled-up;”
• Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations;• Living in emergency or transitional shelters; or
• Living in a car, park, public space, abandoned building, substandard housing, train station, or other public or private place that is not designed for ordinary use as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.

If your family is experiencing unstable housing conditions based on any of the categories above, please open the PDF document attached and complete the Project UP-START Student Eligibility Questionnaire (FM-7378). Once completed, electronically submit it to the Project UP-START Program or provide the completed form to your child’s school: