![]() 1. What makes MAST different from a traditional high school? Established in September 1991, MAST Academy is the only maritime and science technology magnet high school in the Miami-Dade County Public School system. The school graduated its 30th senior class in 2023. The school is staffed by a principal, three assistant principals, a lead teacher, and 85 full and part-time faculty members of whom approximately 52 percent have a master’s degree or higher. The senior class of 2024 consists of 243 seniors. MAST has over 1550 students in grades 6-12. The school offers students over 50 honors, 13 Advanced Placement (AP) 20 Cambridge and 3 Dual Enrollment courses on campus. It is home to one of only two US Coast Guard JROTC Programs in the country and teaches courses in a range of environmental topics from Solar Energy to Environmental Management, Environmental Science, and Marine Sciences. Our unique Marine Skills program offers students the opportunity to become Red Cross certified Life Guards and Water Safety Instructors as well as earn their SCUBA licenses. Students have the opportunity to explore career interests in our four-year Culinary Arts and Engineering courses as well as perform in our steel drum band. Superb facilities provide access to the local Biscayne Bay ecosystem. The school includes two large classroom buildings, a pool, boathouse, docks, fitness center, and our Dr. Margaret Haun Innovation Center. Students have immediate access to technology throughout the school. Internship opportunities from Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, Southeast Fisheries and the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are available for students. 2. What special academic programs does MAST feature? MAST Academy’s Maritime and Science Technology Program offers a unique and rigorous marine-theme curriculum. In 2012, the school added the internationally acclaimed Cambridge Program with specific programs in two tracks, STEM and Global Studies in addition to a middle school Pre-Cambridge Program. Students from across Miami-Dade County apply and are admitted to all programs, but qualified students from the Village of Key Biscayne have priority admission to the Cambridge STEM, Cambridge Global and Pre-Cambridge programs. MAST students complete a minimum of 30 credits for graduation (six more than the District). Math and science must be taken every year at the school. Acceleration via Advanced Placement, Dual Enrollment, and Cambridge AS and A level courses is built into all programs, with all students completing a rigorous college preparatory curriculum. Students are expected to adhere to and succeed in an advanced program of study that provides both flexibility and focused study in the specific program area. The Maritime and Science Technology Program brings together a diverse group of students from all Miami-Dade County. Its primary focus is the interdisciplinary study of the maritime environment. Students complete advanced studies including college level coursework in the sciences and humanities starting as early as their Freshman year as part of this rich college preparatory program. All students are required to complete an Internship experience as part of their program which will be the culmination of their studies and their introduction to the field(s) which they will pursue after graduation. The Cambridge STEM Program prepares students for international studies in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math fields. Students in this program will take coursework in a variety of subjects required to earn the internationally recognized Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) Diploma. Students take advantage of the range of science and technology offerings at MAST to complete introductory college level coursework in the sciences and participate in STEM competitions. Students are expected to take multiple science classes a year as part of this program. The Cambridge Global Studies Program prepares students for college level study in the United States or internationally. Students in this program will take coursework in a variety of subjects required to earn the internationally recognized Cambridge AICE Diploma. Students complete coursework that broadens their perspective and provides a global lens through which to address the economic and social challenges facing our world. In recognition of the importance of fluency in multiple languages to the global workforce, all students in this program will be required to complete the foreign language component of the Florida Bi-Literacy Seal through examination or coursework while at MAST Academy. 3. What recognition has MAST received? The U.S. Department of Education (UDSOE) named the MAST Academy a 2019 USDOE Green Ribbon School, a New American High School Showcase Site in 2000, and in 1996 and again in 2006, a Blue-Ribbon School of Excellence. In 2019 MAST Academy was certified by Magnet Schools of America as a National Demonstration School. MAST has been recognized by The Washington Post, Newsweek and US News and Business Report as one of the top 100 high schools in the US. In 2010, MAST was one of six Finalists in the White House Commencement Challenge. Also, in 2010, Ladies Home Journal featured MAST Academy as one of the “Ten Most Amazing High Schools in the Country.” In 2013, The Huffington Post featured MAST as one of the Most Amazing Schools in the United States. We have also been recognized as a State of Florida High-Performing School, a Magnet School of Distinction (2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 1998, 1996), a STEM Gold Designated School, and were featured in Redbook and Business Week magazines. For the past 15 years, the school has received an “A” rating from the Florida Department of Education. 4. Where can we get information about MAST’s curriculum? Two ways: 1. Visit www.gomakos.org > 'Academics' > 'Curriculum Bulletin Addendum' to learn more about our programs. 2. Tuesday Tours beginning October 14 - December 9, every Tuesday at 9:30 AM. to learn about our school's unique programs. No tours on November 11 and 25, 2025. 5. What clubs and activities are available to students? The MAST Academy offers numerous opportunities for student participation. Clubs and honor societies include National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, French Honor Society, Social Studies Honor Society, Science Club, Black Student Union, Gay/Straight Alliance, Future Educators of America, and several others. School publications include our award-winning newspaper, yearbook, and Spilt Milk, our creative writing magazine. 6. What sports are available at MAST? Water Sports: Water Polo, Swimming Field or Court Sports: Soccer, Boys’ Basketball, Girls’ Volleyball, Cross-Country, Golf, Tennis, Track & Field 7. How does MAST serve gifted students? Our curriculum is geared toward advanced studies. Recognizing that the unique needs of the gifted population go beyond advanced coursework, a gifted program has been put into place to support the youngest of our students. Gifted students in grades 6-10 have the option of classes taught using gifted strategies. An enriching and rigorous college-preparatory program with Advanced Placement, Cambridge and dual enrollment courses serves the needs of our 10-12th grade learners. 8. Is Coast Guard JROTC required at MAST? No, Coast Guard JROTC is not required but it is a FANTASTIC option. The four-year sequence in maritime science constitutes an elective option for students. Students with an interest in leadership, navigation, and military protocol will want to consider CG JROTC as one of their elective options. 9. Does MAST offer guidance for college? Absolutely! We have a strong and innovative college advisement program. We have CAP Counselors who are highly involved in the college application process. We encourage you to visit the college advisement section of our website: www.gomakos.org. —click on 'Student Life' > 'Student Services' for more information on all our student service offerings including CAP. 10. What schools and colleges have accepted MAST students for undergraduate studies? Since 1994, college acceptances have come from Amherst, Annapolis, Auburn, Boston College, Boston University, Brown, Caltech, Carnegie Mellon, Clark, Clemson, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Duke, Emerson, Emory, Georgetown, Georgia Tech, Grinnell, Harvard, Haverford, Howard, Johns Hopkins, Mt. Holyoke, MIT, New College, NYU, Oberlin, Princeton, Reed, Rollins, Rutgers, Simmons, Smith, Stetson, Swarthmore, Tulane, University of Chicago, University of Miami, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of Pennsylvania, Vanderbilt, Vassar, Washington University, Webb Institute of Naval Architecture, Wellesley, Wesleyan, West Point, Williams, Yale, and schools throughout the Florida state university system. In 2025, the 243 member graduating class received over 30 million dollars in scholarships. 11. What kinds of special opportunities does MAST offer students? Special opportunities abound at MAST: curriculum-related and enrichment travel (national and international [when permitted]), club activities, internships, independent study, scholarships, leadership experiences, marine-theme core and elective courses, a full menu of Advanced Placement and Cambridge courses, Dual Enrollment, and honors courses, a technology-rich environment, academic and career colloquia, and numerous field research experiences; such as shark tagging, robotics, competitions, and culinary arts. 12. How do we apply to MAST Academy? Apply online between October 1 - January 15 at www.yourchoicemiami.org or M-DCPS Parent Portal. You may select one program at MAST Academy and up to five magnet schools district wide. MAST has four programs, Maritime Science Technology (9-10), Cambridge STEM (9-10), Cambridge Global (9-10) and Pre-Cambridge (6-8). Offers of admission are made based on magnet lottery of qualified applicants with priorities granted as specified in www.yourchoicemiami.org/magnet-application-priorities. 13. How do we qualify for the Key Biscayne resident priority if applying to the Cambridge Program. Qualified Key Biscayne residents have priority to the Cambridge programs and must remain residents for the duration of the students’ enrollment. Two proofs of residency will be required. One must be a current annual lease agreement, Deed, Homestead Exemption document or current mortgage statement plus a current utility statement: FPL(blue/white online copy) or water. Addendum/lease extensions must be accompanied by the original lease; leases including electricity are not accepted. 14. If your child is accepted at MAST, will he/she receive transportation? Access to transportation for students who live more than two miles from the school may be provided. Some students will travel to and from MAST by direct bus; others by a combination of bus, Metrorail, and MAST Shuttle (to/from the Vizcaya Metro station). 15. How are applications to MAST evaluated? We will review academic and conduct grades, effort indicators (1, 2, 3 in M-DCPS) along with attendance. There is NO recommendation letter required nor accepted. Students applying for 9th grade must be enrolled in Algebra 1 Honors or Geometry honors and Physical Science Honors in the 8th grade. Students applying for 10th grade must at a minimum be enrolled in Geometry Honors and Biology Honors in 9th grade. Students should have a GPA of at least 2.5 in core academics and conduct. Attendance and effort are looked at closely; having more than 10 unexcused absences in the previous year will affect your application. Students applying for eighth grade must meet the criteria specified above for conduct, effort and attendance. They must be ready for Algebra 1 Honors and Physical Science Honors in 8th grade. Incoming sixth and seventh graders must meet the criteria specified above for conduct, effort and attendance and must be ready for robust coursework in the next grade. Once students enter MAST, regardless of their program affiliation, they must maintain a 2.5 GPA in core courses to remain at the school. 16. Applying from an out of district, charter, private or parochial school? Parents must provide an official transcript, for the current and previous year, be uploaded to the application system. We cannot request transcripts from private or parochial schools—or from charters and public schools outside of Miami-Dade County. Current year transcripts/report card must include at least one grading period. Visit our Admissions page at www.gomakos.org > Become A Mako for a full description of additional documents required, where applicable. Transcripts must be uploaded as part of the application. If accepted, a final transcript must be provided once final grades have been issued. Uploading is preferred, but if transcripts cannot be uploaded you may hand-deliver or certified mail to MAST Academy. Hand deliver or certified mail transcripts to MAST Academy, Admissions, 3979 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149. By uploading transcripts/FLVS all magnet schools will have access. 17. Enrolled in Florida Virtual School (FLVS) courses? Where applicable: math and/or science course Florida Virtual School (FLVS) documentation must be uploaded under the FLVS upload option on the application site. Registration for FLVS math and science courses must be taken care of early enough so that the student has a minimum progress grade of 30% of segment one completed by January 15, 2026. Enrollment in FLVS courses does not suffice; there must be a progress grade by January 15, 2026. No exceptions. The FLVS Cumulative Report is found on the Reports tab of the FLVS student portal. FLVS courses must be completed by June 5, 2026 with proof of completion - official transcript from FLVS. 18. Do siblings of current MAST students gain any advantage in the application process? Qualified applicants seeking admission to MAST with a sibling who will be continuing their enrollment at the school during the next school year are given priority in admission. 19. Why does MAST Academy recommend that interested students get their applications in by the winter break? We recommend that students submit their applications as early as possible so that we can work more closely with families in the event documents--official transcripts for out of district, private or parochial schools-are missing from a child’s file. It is a parent’s responsibility to email Terry Kralievits, Magnet Secretary, at TKralievits@dadeschools.net, to make sure the application file has all required documents for out of district/private/parochial school applicants. If parents wait until the beginning of January to submit their child’s application and the application is missing items the applicant may not qualify--and possibly an opportunity to attend MAST. Current year transcripts/report card/FLVS must have at least one grading period. 20. When must all applications be submitted? Applications must be submitted to Schools of Choice by January 15, 2026. No exceptions. 21. When will parents know whether their child has been accepted at MAST? We will notify students and their families by email on March 15, 2026. 22. How are students entered into random selection process? Students who qualify to attend MAST are entered random selection. Questions about any of the information here? Please contact Melissa Fernandez, Maritime Science & Technology and Cambridge Lead Teacher, at melissafernandez@dadeschools.net. Principal Dr. Michael H. Gould Assistant Principals Dr. Erika Pell Giuseppe Semeraro Mariam Torossian Lead Teacher Melissa Fernandez Revised (02/25/25)